So today I was minding my own business - looking for some solids to cut for Amish Tumbling blocks as my piecing project for vacation.And a container fell off the shelf full of Diamond Strings Well I need at least another 10 blocks and I'm bored with strings, they make such a mess so I did a few rows including sashing- black cause it frames it so well. Now I need to make more blocks and figure what color I want the cornerstones and whether I want to dye some bright color for my inner border. Too much detail
:( So I started putting things away and found more strips for binding on my pineapple blossom and I found another 6 blocks of another project I was doing ( top secret till top is finished- maybe tomorrow :D ) But I don't want a plain backing for this one so I think I'm going to order a fatback for it but not sure of the color. And I'm toying with silk or wool for a batting. But I want them tomorrow not when I get back from vacation :(. I was informed that ALL of this mess needs to be cleaned up before we leave- fat chance - well maybe if I stop playing for awhile. But I did put all my embroidery threads away and plan on cleaning the machine tonight again and see if maybe it will play nice for a day or two.
SO maybe I should stop playing on the computer and get something the binding on pineapple blossom. Graduation party is the Saturday after we get back.

So, I never got the area cleaned but I have a new flimsy :)
That looks like the ocean. I'm so happy for you, another WIP/UFO. LOL WE brought you to the dark side. LOL
Ah, come have to catch up to us with UFO's
Wow! that reaches out and grabbs you. I love it! I love the 3d nature of it and the blues. Darling quilt.
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