Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday 5 Sales

I saw this on Quilting Pirates blog and had to answer :)

This week's theme: Sales!

1. How often do you use coupons for quilting related items?
2. Do you find coupons for local quilt shops?
3. Do you shop online with coupons?
4. What was the best coupon/sale you took advantage of?
5. What would you like to see your local quilt shop often in a coupon or sale?

My Answers

1- all the time if I have them.But especially for notions of higher prices at Joann's.
2- once in a blue moon in the newsletters either via snail mail or email they have them.
3-whenever possible- Equilter just had a really short survey and I immediatly used the $5 off to buy a special fabric
4-When the Rag Shop was still in business they sent an coupon for 25% off your purchase including sale prices and I bought a whole roll of warm and natural batting for $137 since it was on sale 50% off at Joann's. I should have bought 2.
5-Anything- seems they only have sales for class supplies, the shop hops-take a type of fabric and throw it ons sale- 30's, batiks, etc. Though has a special kind of "bucks" program. If you spend $200 you get $20 of their bucks to be used later on.So that helps..........

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