Let's see- it's been a busy week.
My Girl Scouts tied 2 charity quilts tonight for my guild so 3 yards of 90" muslin.
The best part of that is they really enjoyed it so I can see us doing a few more before they graduate :)
1 6 x7 12" block string quilt was quilted . Top was a UFO and 2 1/2 yards of 90" backing fabric plus 1 yard of binding was sewn to it.
I gave 1/2 yard of hand dyes away.
WOW not doing alot of finishing but still a nice report. Wait till these tops get done and the juki tuned up and watch out :)

1 comment:
A great project for GS. I was a jr leader for 8 years and we did this at least 3 times a session. Cheater panels and blocks both. They gave them to our local Crisis Pregnancy Center and it was a good insight for them also to see "what can happen".
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