My sil did the cross stitch for me for my birthday- every time the family gets together and the razzing begins someone will eventually
say "Bite Me" and the magnets are great words of Wisdom from mom. See those ice pop makers??? They make margarita ice pops- now how cool are they??? Needless to say I'm making some tomorrow :D
From Katie- what to make with the fabric??? See the chocolate?? That's what started us on the smores for lunch yesterday -lol.
I managed to sew a few more of the parts for my scrappy bargello together and 3 of 4 rows of a baby quilt together and start sorting the baskets and fillers for the tricky tray for Sat's guild meeting/luncheon. I need to call and order corsages for the past presidents and DD's flowers for prom. No date, a tablefull of girls didn't want to bring their boyfriends from out of town. Too much drama they say so the dad's are buying their corsages. Sweet if you ask me. I got another card from one of my GS's that thanked me for the quilt and said some really nice things of the 10 years I was her leader and an invite for dinner in Princeton this fall.
Searching online for other things in Buffalo I see the Cleavland Indians have a minor league team up there, the Bisons. When I go at the end of the month we'll be going to a game so I can see what exactly I'm giving up in Mets/ Yankees games. I was also trying to make sense of the rail schedules going into NYC from The buffalo/Erie lines...cause you know that's what I'll be doing. I hate to fly!!
Hey made out like a bandit with all the loot. I especially love the bottle labels.
Those are some awesome gifts. Where do you find the wine? A Tek bottle would be cool.
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