All the clues are cut out- a couple HUNDRED 2 1/2" hsts are made, now we wait till New Years Eve :(
I'm not very good at the waiting part. Like 2 different Secret Santa boxes tempting me somewhere in the house - or possibly the garage. One never knows where hubby hid them :(
The whirl wind of the hoidays starts here tomorrow with my parents wedding anniversary 47 years! And it won't end will hubby's birthday on January 20th - with 4 more besides his in between *sigh*
I have almost 3 of 4 rows done on Scrappy mountains ( you know the quilt Moose thinks is for him-lol) Pulling lavendars, pinks and yellows for the girls's quilts to start next. Once the hsts are trimmed and cut into parts the blocks make WONDERFUL leader/ ender blocks *VBG*
You are going great guns there girl!! Be careful not to set anything on fire with all that speed you've got! It feels so good to have things move along nicely tho, doesn't it? Love the fabric for the New years project! And the moutains look great so far. You have KK approval I see. Hugs, FInn
I'm loving all your pretty quilts! I put the gingerbread house info up on my blog, come on over!
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