Friday, February 22, 2008

It's been snowing in NJ

We shoveled a few times today. Watched movies, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Braveheart, etc. I worked on Cathedral Windows. Will that project ever be complete???
I think we got a foot so far and now the ice is starting. Good thing we told DD she couldn't go out to her boyfriend's house as there's a 20 car pile up on the only highway to get there over a scarey bridge. You know the high ones with High Cross Wind warnings on them.......


*karendianne. said...

Good Lord. Good thing you kept DD at home is right!

Safe and Secure Love, *karendianne.

Sarah Nopp said...

I am ever so happy to NOT have snow. Let me know if you ever get that Cathedral Windows finished- it will give me hope.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Stay warm and stay inside!!!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Whoo boy - good decision! Sounds like you are in for it for a while. Hope you have lots of sewing to do!

Meredith said...

Yes it has been snowing here and I am ready for spring. I checked the weather for this week no snow so far!

Jeanne said...

That's a lot of snow. We're supposed to get another storm today. I hope they are wrong in their forecast. Opening Day is getting closer!

Nanette Merrill said...

Your weather sounds just like ours. And I'm getting really tired of it. Its like real life ground hog day (movie).