I've been sewing like a maniac the last week or so. Haven't touch Carolina Crossroads :( but I did manage to get the rows finished for Grandma Cora. Just need to cut and sew the outer borders and get it mailed for quilting. I have alot of ocean wave blocks finished- I believe it's 37 of 64. This weekend I have a class with Susan Schrott and a guild meeting almost all day tomorrow -and I need to get the agenda typed, printed and emailed to my secretary. Plus pack all "stuff" for the meeting in my truck, which wouldn't start this morning. Good thing hubby was home and charged the battery for me. What a guy VBG.

Here's some of the cute fabrics in it :)

So that's my day. :)
Are you having any trouble with your pink/yellow cutting mat?
After 4 new blades in my rotary cutter, I realized it was the mat, not the blades.
nope- I've had problems with the green mats and definatly the gray mats in the past. My ocean waves has alot of green in it so I needed to be able to see what I"m cutting
Aunt Cora looks wonderful and is full of cute fabrics. Who gets this quilt?
Thanks fo rsharing the close ups of those fabrics. That is how I use my cat prints. :o)
Love that quilt!!!! Very cute!!
that quilt is amazing!
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