I did manage to get Buffalo Troubles into a flimsy stage! Yippee! I also have enough blocks to piece a lazy star top for one of the love quilts and almost enough for a different pattern for one of the other ones. All of the small triangles in Buffalo Troubles are bonus hsts from the lazy star blocks! Can you imagine? And I have to make another 100 small bocks for the third quilt. What will I do with all those bonus triangles this time? The key is to trim about every 10 blocks or 20 bonus triangles or I get discouraged - overwhelmed with all the trimming. But the top is in que for some warmer quilting weather.

And well Moose was in a playful mood this morning. I love the crossed paws- such good manners-lol!

After I piece 2 more rows for the lazy star quilts I need to seriously clean up the sewing area. DD and my best friend's son are cooking dinner for 6 of us tomorrow - how cool is that? So the table needs to be totally cleared. That hasn't happened since New Years Eve-lol
Oh and I need to make the qst for an ohio star quilt for a bday present
I like your thinking with trimming as you go. I get so overwhelmed when there are a ton of trimming to be done at the end. Love the quilt!!
I love your Buffalo quilt! The red is perfect in it. I usually break down projects like that, too, maybe in groups of ten at a time. Moose is adorable.
Beautiful Buffalo quilt!!!
Yippeeeeeee for you that someone else is cooking dinner!!! What a treat!!!
How cute. My cats sit with their paws crossed like that.
I love your quilt!
Just looked at your 'insane project' a couple of posts back Kim - it's amazing even though it made me go boggle-eyed!!
Regards Julia :0)
PS. Saw you on Jo's giveaway!
I love this one! and I don't usually like red-great job Kim
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