Last Wednesday night I was told a friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer :( I told the family I would make her a quilt. Now of course I need to quilt the other quilt for a baby shower but I felt this one needed finishing first. So this morning I loaded it on the frame and started quilting it. While I was in for lunch I designed the label and stitched it out this evening before dinner.
I just finished the binding a few minutes ago.

Here's the last thing to do, sew on the label I made for the quilt,
oh then wash and dry it.

Now I wait and see when my sister is going to pick it up for delivery. :D
What a wonderful thing to do -- and what a beautiful quilt.
What a great person you are. Your quilt is beautiful and will most likely be highly valued by it's owner.
It's beautiful, Kim, and the label is perfect. So meaningful in so many ways. What a rewarding this project must have been for you!
Lovely and thoughtful Kim. It is a darling quilt. Pink fits. She will love it. It will touch her heart.
What a great friend you are. I know the quilt will comfort her when she's not feeling so well.
That's so kind and what a pretty, pretty quilt. Blessings and love, *karendianne./Living Life at LeeHaven
Love it Kim, I updated both blogger and mulitply with new pics of goldenrod dye pot-I ended up dyeing 3 days in a row. The book you had sent me-which I am just now reading-is full of great information. I have about 6 books now on the subject from the 70s til now-and they all have different ideas and recipes.
very fun-will definately being doing more
Hope your friend's treatment goes well :)
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