Friday, June 08, 2007

Amish Insanity

more blocks

So I was minding my own business this morning being a good mommy/wife and cleaning up the house. Ding Dong! Nope, not Avon but the nice mail lady with a package :O
Inside are some great Amish solids - wow!! So of course I NEED to go find the templates for the tumbling blocks- I mean I really had to- it's like I had absolutly no control over what was happening-lol.
And I made a few blocks- one by machine that did not lay flat no matter what I did to it :(
Then I tried a couple by hand -WOW!! that worked great ;)
So then of course I NEEDED to drag out some more solids and more and there's some more- you get the drift of where this is going right???? So I pretty much spent about 80% of the afternoon making blocks VBG!
So I definatly see a king sized tumbling block quilt in my future- well maybe in the distant future- that's alot of blocks that need making :)
But alas- I must put this away "for now" as I'm "supposed" to be binding a quilt and working on pressing more cathedral window parts- who knows, maybe I'll even finish the house work I started this morning- or again, maybe not VBG

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