This time of year I live in denim shirts and sweaters. I found an unadorned one in the closet that needed something that DS won't wear-lol. I found a 7 Sisters design I bought somewhere online and decided to stitch it out on my shirt.
A few months ago I bought some adorable Raggedy Ann embroidery files. I found out today one of my friends is going to be a grandma to a little girl. Raggedy Ann was always one of my favs. So it was time to order her story book and start stitching these out. I'm thinking 30's red around the centers- possibly stars.
and another one:
Of the designs so far, this one is my fav. :)
Lastly, I started cutting out a pattern for a secret santa gift and one for me too *wink* Nanette's pattern called for 3" squares but I wanted 2 wall hangings and since I have a bagillion 2 " squares and hsts that's the size I went with. I may cheat on the borders - time will tell. This is the last thing I need so I can wrap everything and mail it off to Australia. I might have time to stitch a few Raggedy Anns out and start cleaning this mess up.....
They make cones now?! Yeesh, what rock have I been hiding under? :P
Oh I love the Raggedy Ann blocks. They are adorable.
Love the Raggedy Ann blocks. I'm going to have to get those blues. Love that line.
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