Been working on hand quilting one of the Star Struck wall hangings while I watch tv- it's not done yet so you can see how much tv I watch- but it is over half done YEAH!
I also promised my lovely daughter a quilt for graduation from beauty school last June well with the packing and unpacking and the crap that went on with hubby losing his job I did next to no sewing for months. Well making the baby quilt renewed my quilting spirit. So I started her quilt. I'm almost done with the blocks- My mom also asked for a small lap quilt about 4' x 4' so with the bonus hsts I'm making her top at the same time.....been pretty snowy the last week or so here in NJ perfect for staying and sewing.
I did manange to quilt and bind the quilt for a friend in time for Sunday's Superbowl party. How about those Saints?
and a third finish *VBS*
I cut pieces for another quilt this morning and have started the sewing of blocks. Working on my hand quilting one of the wall's good to be sewing.
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